Research Paper
Detection of Vibrio anguillarum and Vibrio alginolyticus by Randomly Cloned DNA Fragments
Yu-Ling Hsieh and San-San Tsay
Published on: September 1999
Page: 404 - 412
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1999.44(3).404
Vibrio anguillarum and Vibrio alginolyticus were used as tested organisms. Restriction endonuclease HindIII and EcoRI digested DNA fragments from the above two bacteria were randomly selected and inserted into vector pUC19. Among 0.5-2.0 kb DNA fragments were recovered from agarose gel to prepare non-radioactive DIG-labeled probes. One out of 102 cloned fragments could hybridize only to V. alginolyticus. Three out of 94 cloned fragments could hybridize only to V. anguillarum and one fragment is specific for serotype C.
以Vibrio anguillarum 和 Vibrio alginolyticus作為測試菌株。利用限制酉每 HindIII 和EcoRI將細菌的基因體DNA 切割後,選出介於0.5-2.0 kb 之片段選殖到質體pUC19上。利用非放射性探針標定篩選的片段,由102 選殖的片段中找到一段只能與V. alginolyticus雜交;由94 選殖的片段中找到三段只能與V. anguillarum 雜交的片段,並找到一段只能與V. anguillarum 血清型 C作用的片段。 關鍵詞: Vibrio anguillarum,Vibrio alginolyticus,菌落雜交, 隨機選殖DNA片段, 血清型。
Keyword: Vibrio anguillarum, Vibrio alginolyticus, Colony hybridization, Randomly cloned fragments of DNA, Serotype.