Research Paper
Sonerila Roxb. (Melastomataceae), a New Generic Record for the Flora of Taiwan
Tsung-Hsin Hsieh and Kuoh-Cheng Yang
Published on: December 1999
Page: 529 - 532
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1999.44(4).529
Sonerila tenera Royle (Melastomataceae) is a small herb distributing in India, Burma, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and S. China. It is reported for the first time from Chuyunshan Forest Road, Kaohsiung Hsien, southern Taiwan. Taxonomic description, habitat information, a color photo, and pollen morphology are provided here.
三蕊草(Sonerila tenera Royle)為野牡丹科之小形草本植物,本種分佈於印度、緬甸、越南、印尼、菲律賓和中國南部,其花為三數花,與台灣產本科之植物易於區別。台灣首次發現於南部高雄縣出雲山林道,位於林道邊坡上與苔蘚類混生。本文描述其植株形態特徵、花粉形態、生育地狀況、並附其照片。對台灣而言,此發現不僅增加一新紀錄種,且為新紀錄屬。 關鍵詞:三蕊草,新紀錄屬,野牡丹科。
Keyword: Sonerila tenera Royle, A new generic record, Melastomataceae.