Research Paper

New addition of Taeniophyllum (Orchidaceae) in Taiwan

Tsan-Piao Lin, Geng-Xi Zhu

Published on: 19 July 2024

Page: 302 - 308

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.302


This report presents two new orchids of Taiwan, viz., Taeniophyllum lishanianum T.P. Lin & G.X. Zhu and Taeniophyllum tumulusum T.P. Lin & G.X. Zhu. We also describe Taeniophyllum complanatum Fukuy. which shows some differences from the counterpart native to the Ryukyu Islands.

Keyword: Taeniophyllum lishanianum, Taeniophyllum tumulusum, Taeniophyllum complanatum, new species

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