Research Paper

Contributions to the orchid flora of Kalimantan I: A new species and a new country record of Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae)

Yuda R. Yudisira, Roland P.P. Ahmad, Sadtata N. Adirahmanta, Wendy A. Mustaqim, Agusti Randi

Published on: 01 September 2024

Page: 386 - 392

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.386


Further discoveries on Bulbophyllum section Beccariana is presented here. First, a new species from the central part of Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo), Bulbophyllum sapathawungense, is described and illustrated. It resembles two morphologically similar, B. bruneiense J.J.Verm. & Lamb. and B. ecornutum (J.J.Sm.) J.J.Sm., but the new species differs in having a 3-lobed labellum with narrow, uncinate side-lobes, and the pollinarium lacks a stipe. Second, a new country record for is also presented for Bulbophyllum abangjoei Rusea, Besi & Pungga, a previously Sarawak endemic. Information on distribution, ecology, and phenology is provided.

Keyword: Beccariana, Bulbophyllum bruneiense, Bulbophyllum ecornutum, Bulbophyllum sapathawungense, West Malesia

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