Research Paper

Two new species of Begonia (section Petermannia, Begoniaceae) from Zamboanga del Norte, southwestern Philippines

Kean Roe F. Mazo, Fredelino M. San Juan, Ethel T. Cata-Al, Edgar D. Castañares, Rosario R. Rubite

Published on: 02 September 2024

Page: 393 - 398

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.393


Two new species of Begonia section Petermannia, Begonia kelumaged Mazo & Rubite and B. pinulon Mazo & Rubite from the province of Zamboanga del Norte, southwestern Philippines, are hereby described. Begonia kelumaged is morphologically similar to B. bangsamoro but can be distinguished in having triangular stipules, axillary and solitary inflorescence, and smaller ovary. Begonia pinulon resembles B. everettii but differs in having oblanceolate to obovate leaf with obliquely cordate leaf base, longer panicles, narrower capsules with unequal wings. Detailed descriptions, illustrations, ecology, and proposed conservation status for the two new species are provided.

Keyword: Begonia amamampang, Begonia bangsamoro, Begonia everettii, Begonia oblongata, Mindanao Island, vulnerable

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