
Lectotypication, morpho-anatomical traits and initial chemical analysis of Psychotria condorensis Pierre ex Pitard (Rubiaceae, Psychotria): A study on an endemic species from Con Dao National Park, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, Vietnam

Quoc Bao Nguyen, Van Ngot Pham, Van Toan Em Quach, Ba Vuong Truong, Van Son Dang

Published on: 06 September 2024

Page: 435 - 444

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.435


Psychotria condorensis Pierre ex Pitard is an endemic species described from Con Dao National Park, Ba Ria-Vung Tau province, Vietnam. This study provides the lectotype of this species and describes its micromorphological along with phytochemical characteristics. These results are used as a monograph in the identification and standardization of medicinal materials, conservation assessment of this species, and contributes information for advancing further research on conservation and its biological activities.

Keyword: Anatomy, morphology, plant diversity, plant taxonomy, lectotype

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