Research Paper
Two New Members of the Callerya Group (Fabaceae) Based on Phylogenetic Analysis of rbcL Sequences: Endosamara racemosa (Roxb.) Geesink and Callerya vasta (Kosterm.) Schot
Jer-Ming Hu and Shih-Pai Chang
Published on: June 2003
Page: 118 - 128
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2003.48(2).118
Two new members of Callerya group in Fabaceae, Endosamara racemosa (Roxb.) Geesink and Callerya vasta (Kosterm.) Schot, are identified based on phylogenetic analyses of chloroplast rbcL sequences. These taxa joined with other previously identified taxa in the Callerya group: Afgekia, Callerya, and Wisteria. These genera are resolved as a basal subclade in the Inverted Repeat Lacking Clade (IRLC), which is a large legume group that includes many temperate and herbaceous legumes in the subfamily Papilionoideae, such as Astragalus, Medicago and Pisum, and is not close to other Millettieae. Endosamara is sister to Millettia japonica (Siebold & Zucc.) A. Gray, but only weakly linked with Wisteria and Afgekia.
本研究利用葉綠體rbcL 的DNA 序列進行譜系分析,鑑定出兩個豆科雞血藤群 (Callerya group)的新成員:Endosamara racemosa (Roxb.) Geesink 和Callerya vasta (Kosterm.) Schot。先前對於雞血藤群的研究顯示這個類群還包含了另外三個從前也在崖豆族(Millettieae)的屬:Afgekia,Callerya (雞血藤屬),和Wisteria (紫藤屬)。由目前所得的資料來看,這些屬的親源關係都和大部份的溫帶草本豆科植物較近,而同屬於一個IRLC 群(Inverted Repeat Lacking Clade,因其葉綠體基因體中少了一份反向重覆序列,故名之)。而雞血藤群是位在IRLC 群的基群位置。結果並顯示Endosamara 是Millettia japonica 的姐妹群,而與紫藤屬和Afgekia 相近。
Keyword: Endosamara, Callerya, Millettieae, Millettia, rbcL, Phylogenetic analysis