Research Paper
Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (35) — Scutellaria taipeiensis T. C. Huang, A. Hsiao et M. J. Wu sp. Nov. (Lamiaceae)
Tseng-Chieng Huang, Arthur Hsiao and Ming-Jou Wu
Published on: June 2003
Page: 129 - 137
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2003.48(2).129
A comparative study of corolla types, pollen features, nutlet coat ornamentation and chromosome numbers of Scutellaria (Lamiaceae) species in Taiwan has been conducted. The result reveals that we have a new species so that Scutellaria taipeiensis T. C. Huang, A. Hsiao et M. J. Wu sp. nov. is here proposed. A key to the species, species description and illustrations, and other relevant information are provided.
經由研究比較臺灣產黃芩屬植物之花冠型、花粉形態、小堅果表皮微細構造和染色 體數目等特徵,本文報導一新種植物-臺北黃芩。文中除提供新種臺北黃芩之描述、繪圖及照片外,並提出臺灣產七種黃芩屬植物之檢索表。
Keyword: Scutellaria taipeiensis, Lamiaceae, New species, Taiwan