Research Paper

Rapid Adventitious Organogenesis from Leaf Segments of Embelia ribes Burm.-a Threatened Medicinal Plant

K. Shankarmurthy, V. Krishna, K. R. Maruthi and B. A. Rahiman

Published on: September 2004

Page: 194 - 200

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2004.49(3).194


An in vitro protocol was developed for rapid multiplication of plantlets via direct organogenesis from the leaf segments of Embelia ribes Burm. (Myrsinaceae), a rare woody medicinal shrub under threat of being extinct. Adventitious shoots were organized directly from the margin of the lamina on medium supplemented with 2 to 4 mg/L 6-furfuryl amino purine (FAP) and 0.2 to 0.6 mg/L naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). The frequency of shoot bud production was the highest (mean of 33.6 ± 3.63 shoots per explants) at the concentration of 3 mg/L FAP and 0.4 mg/L NAA. Rooting of microshoots was also noticed on the same medium in a single-phase culture. A mean of 30 ± 1.05 root intact plantlets was recovered per explant. The rooted plantlets were well accomplished with a survival frequency of 96%. Moreover, there were no phenotypic differences observed between the in vitro regenerated and in vivo plants.


本文發展出以瀕臨滅絕威脅之木本藥用灌木Embelia ribes Burm. (紫金牛科) 葉切片 之試管培養,直接器官發生快速繁殖小植株的方法。不定的幼莖直接由培養於2 至4 mg/L FAP 和0.2 至0.6 mg/L NAA 的葉片邊緣長出,幼莖芽產生的頻率在3 mg/L FAP 和0.4mg/L NAA 的濃度時最高 (每個培殖體平均33.6 ± 3.63 的幼莖)。在相同的培養基亦可發現發根的微小幼莖,每個培殖體平均再生30 ± 1.05 有根的完整小植株,存活率為96%,且活體外與活體內的再生植株外型沒有差別。

Keyword: Embelia ribes, Organogenesis, Plantlet regeneration

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