Research Paper
The Bruguiera (Rhizophoraceae) Species in the Mangroves of Singapore, Especially on the New Record and the Rediscovery
Chiou-Rong Sheue, Jean W. H. Yong, Yuen-Po Yang
Published on: December 2005
Page: 251 - 260
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2005.50(4).251
We reported here the new record of Bruguiera hainesii C. G. Rogers, and the rediscovery of an extinct species, Bruguiera sexangula (Lour.) Poir., in the mangroves of Singapore. To simplify the process of identifying all the five Bruguiera species in Singapore, a colour plate illustrating the calyx structures (across different development stages) and diagnostic features of the five Bruguiera species were provided. A diagnostic key to the five Bruguiera species was also provided, with updated descriptions for the two species. As it was difficult to identify the different Bruguiera species solely on the basis of vegetative structures, we therefore suggest that the series or numbers of colleters (finger-like glandular structures inside the base of stipules) could be an aid for identifying members of Rhizophoraceae especially in the absence of reproductive structures.
本研究報導新加坡所產的紅茄苳屬紅樹林植物現況,包括一新紀錄種-Bruguiera hainesii 和一滅絕後再發現種-Bruguiera sexangula,共計有五種紅茄苳屬之紅樹林植物。除了說明此五種植物的鑑別特徵,提供彩色圖片以便於鑑定及分辨外,文中並首次嘗試以位於托葉內的指狀腺體 (colleter) 特徵成功地辨別出本屬外部形態極為相近的種類。另提供本屬植物的檢索表及此新紀錄種和再發現種的植物描述與相關資訊更新。
Keyword: Mangroves, Rhizophoraceae, Singapore, colleters, Bruguiera hainesii, Bruguiera sexangula.