Research Paper
Interactive Key to Taiwan Grasses Using Characters of Leaf Anatomy – The ActKey Approach
Chang-Sheng Kuoh, Hong Song
Published on: December 2005
Page: 261 - 271
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2005.50(4).261
ActKey is an online interactive key program and database for identification of organisms. It differs from traditional dichotomous keys in providing multi-access entry points. Rather than answering questions to key couplets while following a pre-defined path, ActKey provides a wider strategy for identifying an unknown plant. The program is web-based and supports most popular internet browsers. Visitors can use interactive keys at the the website as tools for identifications, and an earlier version of ActKey with over 70 interactive keys can be found at Moreover, ActKey enables the taxonomist to create and edit a key online and publish it online instantly. The website designed by Hong Song is used to host taxon- and specimen-based information, and ActKey is one of its many features. In this paper, we will demonstrate how to construct an ActKey for identifying Taiwan grasses using a character set of leaf anatomy. Fifteen characters were used. Pop-up windows display images illustrating the character states. Data from microscopic examination of sections of leaf blades of 176 species in five subfamilies of grasses in Taiwan are included. The constructed ActKey will be useful to identify Taiwan grasses especially when flowering material is unavailable.
ActKey是一用於鑑定物件的線上互動式檢索工具。其有別於傳統二分式檢索之處在於能夠多點查詢,不必依既定的成對特徵逐項查對。ActKey在鑑定植物時可採用不同的策略,以網路為基礎且適用於通用的瀏覽器。瀏覽者可於 網站上用它來鑑定多類植物,較早的版本於下列網頁 可找道到70多個互動式檢索。還有ActKey可讓分類學家在網路上及時製作和編輯一個檢索工具。宋宏設計的 網頁主要在於整合分類群與標本等資訊,而ActKey的應用是其諸多特色之一。本文以葉解剖特徵建構一ActKey供台灣禾草的鑑定。採用十五個特徵作為特徵集,彈出式視窗可顯示輔助說明特徵的影像圖片。包括台灣產禾本科五個亞科176種禾草的葉解剖切片顯微觀查資料。由ActKey彚整後的資料有助於台灣禾草的鑑定,特別是在缺少花部的時候。
Keyword: ActKey, eFlora, Gramineae, Interactive Key, leaf anatomy, Taiwan