Research Paper

Taxonomic Status of Ophiorrhiza michelloides (Masam.) X. R. Lo (Rubiaceae) in Taiwan

Fu-Shan Chou, Chih-Kai Yang and Chun-Kuei Liao

Published on: June 2006

Page: 143 - 147

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2006.51(2).143


In 1998, Hayataella michellioides Masam. was transferred to the genus Ophiorrhiza by X. R. Lo and named Ophiorrhiza michellioides (Masam.) X. R. Lo. The following year, Lo treated Ophiorrhiza exigua (Li) H. S. Lo as a synonym of O. michellioides. However, a detailed comparison between O. exigua and O. michellioides revealed that the former belongs to a separate species. The diagnostic characters to separate them include pubescence of stems, surfaces of leaves and flower morphology. The present study has ascertained the taxonomic status of O. michellioides. In addition, a detailed description, geographic distribution, habitat, photographs and line-drawings are given.


玉蘭草(Ophiorrhiza michelloides (Masam.) X. R. Lo)為臺灣的特有植物。以往,羅獻瑞將中國大陸南部的東南蛇根草(Ophiorrhiza exigua (Li) H. S. Lo)視為玉蘭草(Ophiorrhiza michelloides (Masam.) X. R. Lo)的同物異名。經過詳細檢視兩者的莖及葉上表面之被毛和花的形態後,發現兩者為不同種。本文除了釐清臺灣產玉蘭草的分類地位外,並提供其更詳細的形態特徵描述、地理分布、生育地環境、彩色照片及插圖。

Keyword: Hayataella, Ophiorrhiza michelloides, Taxonomy, Taiwan.

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