Research Paper
Castanopsis chinensis Hance (Fagaceae), a Newly Recorded Plant in Taiwan
Fu-Shan Chou, Chun-Kuei Liao and Chih-Kai Yang
Published on: June 2006
Page: 148 - 151
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2006.51(2).148
Castanopsis chinensis Hance is a newly recorded species to be added to the flora of Taiwan. In this paper, a detailed description, a line drawing and color photos of the species are provided.
桂林栲 (Castanopsis chinensis Hance) 為常綠喬木,產於臺灣南部的屏東縣,是臺灣新紀錄的殼斗科植物。本文描述此種植物的形態特徵,並提供線繪圖、地理分布圖與彩色照片以資辨識。
Keyword: Castanopsis chinensis, New record, Flora, Taiwan.