Research Paper
Aeropalynological study of Nankang, Taipei (Taiwan )
Su-Hwa Chen
Published on: March 1984
Page: 113 - 120
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1984.29.113
An investigation on airborne pollen during 1983 at Nankang, Taipei was undertaken. Pollen grains and fern spores encountered within an area of 3.24 cm2 on a trap slide were counted and identified to genus level. The results show that the highest concentration of airborne pollen grains was found in the spring with a number of tree pollen: Pinus, Juniperus-Cunninghamia, Myrica, Broussonetia, Celtis, Ligustrum, Bischofia, Podocarpus, Casuarina, Trema, Acacia confusa and Mallotus japonicus. Salix and Morus flower at the end of the winter or at the beginning of the spring. In the summer, many fern spores, namely Alsophila, Dicranopteris, Pteridium, Nephrolepis and Lepisorus and some weeds pollen, like Chenopodiaceae were recorded, while in the autumn Mallotus paniculatus, Alnus, Melaleuca and Gramineae were of dominant species. Some weed pollen of Artemisia, Ambrosia and Humulus were also founf in the autumn. In the winter the dominant pollen species were Gramineae. A pollon calender showing the occuring pollen and fern spore species during a year is demonstrated.
研究觀察1983年在南港所收集的空中孢粉,發現春天空中的孢粉種類及數量居全年之首,大多為樹種之花粉,例如 : 松樹、龍柏-杉木、楊梅、構樹、补樹、女貞、茄冬、羅漢松、木麻黃、山黃麻、相思樹及野桐等 ; 柳樹及桑樹則多在冬末初春開花。夏天則多為蕨類孢子,例如沙欏、芒萁、蕨、腎蕨、瓦葦等屬及一些雜草的花粉,如蔾科。秋天主要的優勢種有白匏子、塏木、白千層及禾本科,以及一些雜草的花粉,如艾屬、豬草及葎草等。冬天空中花粉種類少,多為禾本科。孢粉曆亦在文中一併被列出。