Research Paper

Embryology of Senecio tenuifolius Burm. F. (Asteraceae)

P. Swrajya Lakshmi, T. Pullaiah

Published on: March 1987

Page: 208 - 213

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1987.32.208


Anthers are tetraporangiate and anther tapetum is of the Periplasmodial type. Pollen tetrads are tetrahedral and decussate. Pollen grains are 3-celled when shed. Ovule is anatropous, unitegmic and tenuinucellate. Endothelium is uniseriate. Embryo sac development is of the Polygonum type. Antipodal cells increase up to 4 and their nuclei become polyploid. Fertilisation is porogamous. Endosperm is ab initio cellular and embryo development follows Senecio variation of Asterad type.


花藥具四孢子囊,營養曾為周邊營養質體型。四分孢子成四面體形及交叉十字形,花粉粒散出時具三細胞。胚珠倒生,具單層珠被,為單壁珠心型。花粉囊內殼亦為單層,胚囊發育隸屬於 型。反足細胞四個,核為多倍體。授精時花粉管自珠孔進入。胚乳自早期即具細胞壁,胚的發育屬於紫菀型的黃菀變形。

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