Research Paper
Myxomycetes of Taiwan VI. Badhamia gracillis
Chin-Hui Liu
Published on: March 1990
Page: 57 - 63
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1990.35.57
Badhamia gracilis is reported for the first time from Taiwan. Morphological characteristics were examined with the aid of LM and SEM. Spores possess spines with the wall surface divided by ridges into large reticula. Spore germinated by splitting, with two protoplasts issuing from smaller spores and four from larger ones. Cream-colored plasmodia were then found in single swarm cell cultures. This collection is therefore non-heterothallic. Fruiting bodies thus formed produced viable spores resembling those from field collections. A description of the species based on the Taiwan collection is also provided.
本篇描述台灣黏菌新紀錄種鈣絲屬黏菌Badhamia gracilis (Macbr.) Macbr.。以光學顯微鏡和掃瞄式電子顯微鏡下檢視其特性,孢子表面分區成角行的大網格,而且密佈明顯的針狀突起。孢子以列開方式萌芽。比較小型的孢子產生兩個原生質團,而比較大型孢子則產生四個原生質團。培養單隻遊走細胞,結果也形成乳白色的原生質體,因此該黏菌是「非雌雄異株」。所形成的孢子和親代一樣,而且能發芽。