Research Paper

A New Species of Stahlianthus (Zingiberaceae) from Northeastern Thailand

Arunrat Chaveerach, Piya Mokkamul, Runglawan Sudmoon, Tawatchai Tanee and Vicente F. Garcia

Published on: December 2007

Page: 315 - 319

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2007.52(4).315


A new species of the genus Stahlianthus (Zingiberaceae) from northeastern Thailand, Stahlianthus pedicelatus A. Chaveerach & P. Mokkamul is described and illustrated. It is closely related to S. involucratus (King) Craib ex Loes., but differs in several characters. The distinctive characters which are different from the closely related species are pseudostems produced after inflorescence withering, flowering in dry season with 1 or 2 small reduced laminas, and labellum white at apex and yellow with a red blotch at base.


本文描繪泰國東北部土田七屬(薑科)一新種: Stahlianthus pedicelatus A. Chaveerach & P. Mokkamul。本種非常類似土田七 (S. involucratus (King) Craib ex Loes.),但可以數個特徵區別。與相近類群之區別特徵為偽莖在花序枯萎後產生,乾季開花,具一或二枚小形退化葉片,唇瓣先端白色,基部黃色具紅斑。

Keyword: Stahlianthus pedicelatus, Zingiberaceae, new species, Thailand. 薑科、新種、泰國。