Research Paper
A Taxonomical Study of the Genus Boerhavia (Nyctaginaceae) in Taiwan
Shih-Huei Chen and Ming-Jou Wu
Published on: December 2007
Page: 332 - 342
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2007.52(4).332
The genus Boerhavia is distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the Old and New World in both hemispheres. Many are characteristic of coastal habitats. It is represented in Taiwan by five species: B. coccinea Mill., B. erecta L., B. repens L., B. glabrata Bl., and B. hualienense Chen & Wu sp. nov. Boerhavia coccinea and B. erecta are recently known as alien species. Boerhavia repens and B. glabrata, both incorrectly reported previously in Taiwan as B. diffusa L., are recognized. Boerhavia hualienense is a new species from eastern Taiwan. In this paper we present a brief revision of the Taiwanese species of Boerhavia. A key to its taxa along with descriptions, line drawings, ecology, taxonomical notes, and a map showing the distribution of all five species on this island are provided.
根據以往報告臺灣有三種原產於熱帶、亞熱帶近海岸地區之黃細心屬 (Boerhavia)植物,:黃細心 (B. diffusa L.)、紅花黃細心 (B. coccinea Mill.) 及直立黃細心 (B. erecta L.)。其中紅花黃細心及直立黃細心為近年歸化臺灣之植物,本研究由野外觀察及標本鑑定指出,過去所訂黃細心學名B. diffusa L. 應為B. repens L.,並報導一新紀錄種─光果黃細心 (B. glabrata Bl.) 及一新種─花蓮黃細心 (B. hualienense Chen & Wu sp. nov)。本文進行以上五種黃細心屬植物之分類訂正,提供檢索表,描述分類特徵、生態環境及相近種之比較區分,並提出這些植物在臺灣之分佈圖、彩色照片及新種、新紀錄種之解剖圖幅,以供辨識。
Keyword: Boerhavia, B. coccinea, B. erecta, B. glabrata, B. hualienense, B. repens, Nyctagniaceae, Taxonomy, Taiwan. 黃細心屬、紅花黃細心、直立黃細心、黃細心、光果黃細心、花蓮黃細心、紫茉莉科、分類學、臺灣。