Research Paper
Phytosociological Observations on Tree Diversity of Tropical Forest of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Orissa, India
C. Sudhakar Reddy, Chiranjibi Pattanaik, A. Mohapatra and A. K. Biswal
Published on: December 2007
Page: 352 - 359
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2007.52(4).352
The present study deals with the quantitative floristic inventory of three tropical forest types in Similipal Biosphere Reserve in Eastern Ghats of Orissa, India. Three forest types were distinct in field and differed in dominance, composition, diversity and structure. The study resulted in documentation of a total 549 species of flowering plants. Altogether, 4819 stems of ≥30 cm gbh belonging to 185 tree species were enumerated and analysed. Tree stand density varied from 527 to 665 ha-1 with average basal area of 43.51 m2ha-1. Shannon–Wiener index (H') ranges from 4.3 to 5.46. Similarity index revealed that only 25% of floristic composition of semi-evergreen forest was similar with moist deciduous forest. Analysis of population density of tree species across girth class interval showed that around 48.9% of individuals belong to 30-60 cm gbh. The present study can serve as baseline information for phytodiversity characterisation of tropical forests in the Similipal Biosphere Reserve in particular and Eastern Ghats of Orissa in general.
本研究量化印度奧里薩邦東高止的Similipal 生物圈保護區三處熱帶森林的量化植物相調查,該三處森林的優勢種、物種組成、歧異度及結構均有所不同。調查結果共記載549 種顯花植物,其中胸高直徑 ≥30 cm的樹木計有4819 株,隸屬於185 樹種。森林中的樹木密度每公頃為527 to 665 株,平均底面積為43.51 m2,Shannon–Wiener 歧異度指數為4.3 至5.46。相似度指數的計算顯示本半常綠林之物種組成僅有25%與濕潤落葉林相似,族群結構的分析結果呈現出48.9%植株的胸高直徑介於30-60 cm。本研究的成果將可提供基礎資料,以了解奧里薩邦地區(特別是Similipal 生物圈保護區)的植物多樣性。
Keyword: Tropical forest, semi-evergreen, deciduous, species composition, eastern Ghats, similipal biosphere reserve, Orissa. 熱帶森林、半常綠林、落葉林、物種組成、東高止地區、Similipal 生物圈保護區、奧里薩邦。