Research Paper
Didymoplexis micradenia: A Newly Recorded Orchid (Orchidaceae) in Taiwan
Tien-Chuan Hsu and Shih-Wen Chung
Published on: December 2007
Page: 360 - 364
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2007.52(4).360
Didymoplexis micradenia (Rchb. f.) Hemsl. was recently found to be a new record of Didymoplexis Griffith in Taiwan. It is similar to D. pallens Griff. except that it is characterized by a smaller flower, very short column foot, and lip apical margin that is minutely denticulate. The description and illustration of D. micradenia and a key of Didymoplexis in Taiwan are provided in the present work.
近年我們在臺灣中南部與蘭嶼發現了臺灣蘭科的新紀錄種:小鬼蘭Didymoplexis micradenia (Rchb. f.) Hemsl.。本種近似吊鐘鬼蘭D. pallens Griff.,但由唇瓣較窄且末端具細齒緣、蕊柱足部不顯著等特徵可清楚分辨。本文並提供描述、圖片與臺灣鬼蘭屬之檢索表。
Keyword: Orchidaceae, Didymoplexis micradenia, new record, Taiwan, Taxonomy. 蘭科、小鬼蘭、新記錄、分類、臺灣。