Research Paper

Epirixanthes elongata Bl.-- a New Record to the Flora of Taiwan

Chang-Fu Hsieh, Tsung-Hsin Hsieh and I-Ling Lai

Published on: December 1995

Page: 381 - 384

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1995.40.381


Epirixanthes elongata Bl. (Polygalaceae) is a small parasitic herb distributed in S. China, Vietnam, Burma, and Indonesia. It is reported for the first time from Nanjenshan Nature Reserve, southern Taiwan. Taxonomic description, habitat information, an illustration and pollen morphology are provided here.


寄生鱗葉草 (Epirixanthes elongata Bl.) 為遠志科 (Polygalaceae) 之寄生植物,分佈於中國南部〈雲南省和海南省〉、越南、緬甸、和印度尼西亞。臺灣首次發現於南部恆春半島南仁山保護區內,位於迎風坡以高士佛赤楠占優勢的常綠闊葉林下。本文描述其形態特徵、花粉形態、生育地狀況,並附其手繪圖。對臺灣而言,此發現不僅增加一新記錄種,且為新記錄屬。

Keyword: Epirixanthes elongata Bl., Polygalaceae, Taiwan. 寄生鱗葉草,遠志科,臺灣。

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