Research Paper

Notes on the Genus Rhynchotechum Blume (Gesneriaceae) in Taiwan

Zhen-Yu Li and Chang-Fu Hsieh

Published on: June 1997

Page: 91 - 98

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1997.42.91


Rhynchotechum discolor (Maxim.) Burtt var. incisum (Ohwi) Walker, a variety confined to the Okinawa Island in Japan, is here reported from southern Taiwan for the first time. R. ellipticum DC. Var. saurauifolium (S. S. Ying) S. S. Ying is treated as a synonym of R. formosanum Hatusima. A key to the taxa of this genus in Taiwan is given and about 80 specimens examined from Taiwanese herbaria are cited.


本文記述台灣線柱苣苔屬(同蕊草屬)一分佈新記錄—羽裂線柱苣苔 Rhynchotechum discolor (Maxim.) Burtt var. incisum (Ohwi) Walker。將 R. ellipticum DC. Var. saurauifolium (S. S. Ying) S. S. Ying 併入台灣線柱苣苔 R. formosanum Hatusima,並提供屬下分類群檢索表,同時引証台灣標本館收藏的約 80 份標本。 關鍵詞:線柱苣苔屬,新記錄,新異名,台灣。

Keyword: Rhynchotechum, New record, Synonym, Taiwan.