Research Paper

Taxonomic Treatment of the Papilionoideae (Leguminosae) of Taiwan

Shing-Fan Huang, Tseng-Chieng Huang

Published on: March 1987

Page: 11 - 118

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1987.32.11


A total of 59 genera and 172 specific and infraspecific Taiwan Papilionoideae are taxonomically treated. There is one newly naturalized plant, Calopogonium mucunoides Desv. The specimen of Desmodium podocarpum subsp. Podocarpum was collected by the first author for the first time. Dolichovigna rhombifolia Hay. Which is treated here as s conspecies with D. formosana Hay., is also transferred to a synonyum of the Vigna pilosa (Klein) Baker.


本文共處理台灣之蝶形花亞科59屬、172種。其中擬大豆 (Calopogonium mucunoides Dev.) 為一新歸化種。圓菱葉山螞蝗 (Desmodium podocarpum subsp. Podocarpum) 首次採到。本文認為菱葉籩豆 (Dolichovigna rhombifolia Hay.) 與毛籩豆 (Dolichovigna formosana Hay.)是同一種,並認為他們是毛 豆(Vigna pilosa (Klein) Baker)之同物異名。

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