
New sightings reported in western Indonesia and a preliminary study of Hippa ovalis distribution in Indonesian waters

Vinna Windy Putri, Nisfa Hanim, Kanthi Arum Widayati, Yusli Wardiatno, Achmad Farajallah

Published on: 25 February 2023

Page: 116 - 121

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2023.68.116


Species distribution data is essential to understand the patterns of biodiversity, determine areas for conservation, and measure the impact of habitat loss and climate change. In this study, we reported a preliminary study about the distribution pattern of a Hippidae family member, Hippa ovalis. A few reports about H. ovalis in Indonesia have been found, but their distribution patterns remain unknown. The samples were collected from 2018 to 2021; 10 specimens were collected from western and eastern Indonesia. The specimens were identified using morphological and molecular (the COI gene) tools. Our samples primarily included H. ovalis. Gene tree and genetic distance were used to determine the distribution pattern of H. ovalis and to analyze its haplotype network. We found seven haplotypes of H. ovalis among our samples, three shared and four unique. Genetic similarity shows that the western and eastern populations have a close relationship, and we hypothesize that no or minimum barrier can be found among the populations. Furthermore, this widespread dispersal of H. ovalis is probably due to pelagic larval duration and ocean current, particularly the Indonesian Through Flow.

Keyword: Distribution pattern, mole crab, new report, Wallacea

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