Research Paper
Laportea aestuans (L.) Chew (Urticaceae), a Newly Recorded Plant in Taiwan
Tsai-Wen Hsu, Tzen-Yuh Chiang and Nien-June Chung
Published on: March 2003
Page: 72 - 76
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2003.48(1).72
Laportea, comprising ca. 22 species, is a genus of the Urticaceae. Two species were previously recorded in the 2nd edition of Flora of Taiwan. In the course of our botanical inventory, one additional weedy species, namely Laportea aestuans (L.) Chew, was found in the central Taiwan. Morphologically, L. aestuans is closely related to L. interrupta (L.) Chew by sharing ovate leaves. Branched racemes of L. aestuans are distinct from the unbranched racemes of L. interrupta. Laportea aestuans is a species mainly distributed at low elevations in central Taiwan.
桑葉麻屬植物為蕁麻科的一個屬約共有22 種。台灣植物誌記載了2 種。本研究報導台灣中部地區的1 新紀錄種-火焰桑葉麻。本文提供新紀錄種的描述、分布、繪圖及彩色照片。
Keyword: Urticaceae, Laportea aestuans, Taiwan, Taxonomy, New record