Research Paper

A New Variety of Sargassum (Phaeophyta) in Taiwan

Hai-Nin Yang and Young-Meng Chiang

Published on: September 1995

Page: 193 - 197

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1995.40.193


A new variety of Sargassum, S. polycystum C. Ag. var. linearifolium Yang & Chiang var. nov. is reported in Taiwan. It differs from S. polycystum C. Ag. by having linear leaves and long male receptacles. It was found only at Chiu-peng, Pingtung county, Taiwan in the tidal pools of mid-intertidal zone, the same niche as that of S. polycystum C. Ag..


在臺灣省屏東縣東岸的九棚發現了匐枝馬尾藻 (Sargassum polycystum C. Ag.) 的新變種─匐枝馬尾藻線葉變種 (Sargassum polycystum C. Ag. var. linearifolium Yang & Chiang var. nov.)。這個新變種和匐枝馬尾藻的不同在於前者有線形的藻葉及長達 10 mm 的雄生殖托,而後者則無線形的藻葉且其雄生殖托僅 5 mm 而已。目前僅發現於九棚沿岸,與匐枝馬尾藻生長於相同的生態席位 (niche),同樣都是在潮間帶波浪不大的大潮池中。

Keyword: new variety, Sargassum, Phaeophyta, Taiwan. 新變種,馬尾藻,褐藻植物門,臺灣。

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